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As a beloved pet reaches the closing chapter of life, the decisions regarding care and saying goodbye can become confusing and complicated. I began Twilight Paws to help make this time as gentle and meaningful as possible for pets and their families.

For pets whose time has not yet come but decisions are on the horizon, I offer in-home end-of-life consults. Planning ahead can help to ease the journey that you and your pet are taking together, empower you with information and options, and lend you support through decisions. 

When the time does come, I provide in-home euthanasia, where your loved one can pass as peacefully as possible in the familiar and reassuring surroundings of home.

Hours and Availability:

To reach me, call 406-531-0617, and I will return your call at my earliest opportunity. Evening and weekend appointments are often an option; however, messages left after 8pm may not be returned until the following day.

I am sometimes out of town, working a shift at a veterinary hospital, or unreachable by phone or internet. 

Upcoming days where I will have limited to no phone or appointment availability:

May 25-29, 2024

You are welcome to call, but I may not be able to return your call for a few days.

If you have an urgent concern about a pet and I am not available to answer my phone when you call, please contact your regular veterinarian or an emergency veterinary hospital:

Sentinel Veterinary Specialists and Emergency

(406) 218-2800

Pet Emergency Center

(406) 829-9300 

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